Thursday, March 12, 2020

Supermarket Madness

I decided to stop by Ralphs on the way home since it seems people are starting to get greedy in the stores and buy up everything. I have my 91 year old mother for the weekend and we need to have something to eat for the wekend. I was just at Ralphs last Saturday morning and no huge crowds of people though parking was tough. Well it starts today of the world going mad.

After 45 minutes trying to find what I needed and 30 minutes longer waiting in line as I am about to come to the counter the checkstand clerk put a sign up saying he was closing. Seriously? There are 10 people beind me with full carts.

I looked at the clerk and told him that was Bull Shit. It's the first word that came to mind, Bull Shit. I told him we needed to see a manager as he could not just close the line in our face. We have no where to go and our carts will just have to leave unpaid. He ended up staying open where I had to apologize to him as he checked me out. Turns out he was already working an extra hour and other employees called in sick.He was a pretty nice guy and I thanked him for taking my order and working so hard.


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