Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Stale Mate with a Trash Can

November 25, 2008

So today on my way to work I was late 10 minutes to proof my point. Was it worth it? I take a small side street to get to work and the van in front of me stopped next to park cars in front of a convalescent home, to pick up a patient. I went around the van and as I was ready to pass, a city worker in a truck that picks up trash bins from apartments to take them to the street, pulls out from the driveway. He can plainly see me coming and i have the right away, but instead he pulls all the way out horizontally across the street to block me from going by. Then he motions to me to back up. There is now another car behind me trying to get around the same way I was but and I can not back up.

Now the butt gets out of his car, garbs his cell phone, gets an important looking paper from his truck and proceeds to write down my car license on it. Okay so I can be just as bad when trying to prove a point so I put my car in park and also got out my cell phone and the closest thing I could write on and began to take down his license plate and truck number.

So there you have it! Two grown adults acting like morons in the street, I am late for work, he still won't move, the car behind me backs up, the man in the van knocks on my window and says, "Hey lady move your car", so I yield to the moron who was in the wrong to avoid any more disturbance.

However, I did call the city and report the driver but a week later, I've yet to get a call. It's one thing to be a jerk in your own car, but when you are representing a company, your number's right on the truck or easy to find. Okay, I'm grateful there IS a way to at least vent a complaint for whatever it's worth.


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