Thursday, November 20, 2008

Taxi Driver Gone Mad

November 20th, 2008

Early afternoon today, I drove my boss to the bank to make a deposit for work. While he went into the bank, I stayed behind and smoked a cigarette outside of my car. One local taxi driver pulled in next to my passenger side and got out and went inside the bank. After I finished my smoke, I went back into my car and turned on the radio, while I waited. The taxi driver returned and upon getting in, he hit the right side of my car with his door. He looked back at me and I shrugged my shoulders like "WTF", but I didn't say anything to him as my window was shut. He opened his door and hit me again claiming he was only hitting my tire. Out my drivers side window I voiced, "Please stop hitting my car." The man got so angry with me, he opened his door another 2 times into my car yelling at me, "It's your fu*king tire lady" to which I replied "Please stop hitting my car." By the fifth time of him hitting my car, while exclaiming "It's your fu*king tire" bang, "It's your fu*king tire", I yelled at him, " I don't care what the fu*k you are hitting stop hitting my Fu*king car!" to which he flipped me off and rive away. My boss came back to the car wondering why I was upset. This photo sure glamorizes the courteous taxi cab driver of old. Okay, I'm grateful for not being a taxi driver.

What's with people not having any respect for other people's stuff anymore?


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